15 best vegan protein powders for women for fat loss

2022-07-29 20:13:36 By : Ms. Holly Hou

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Shake up your normal nutrition with a delicious helping hand

On the hunt for the best vegan protein powder to hit your daily protein needs? Whether you're thinking about taking on the Veganury challenge in 2023, are vegan full time or are or intolerant to dairy, non-cow derivative blends are easy to come by.

And, good news. Because, contrary to popular belief, it is possible to supplement with plant-based powders and still pack in all the reparative, muscle-nurturing essential amino acids that your body needs.

However, we do need to caveat, protein powder is not a dietary essential: It is possible to get enough of the macronutrient from your food, with no need to take it in liquid form, too. But if toning up is your aim, a supplement can be handy to ensure you hit your daily nutrient goals.

Want in? WH have pulled together the best vegan protein powders: From pea to hemp and all the plant-based blends in between, we've got the key areas covered.

Now, let's shake this up.

First up, it repairs your muscle tissue after working out and, with protein making up over 43% of your muscles, trust us it's important. But it also helps prevent chronic disease and keep you limber enough to perform necessary tasks like carrying the shopping and/or small children – although preferably not at the same time!

As one of the three core macronutrients, alongside carbohydrates and fat, making sure you have enough of it in your diet is crucial for your health.

The NHS suggests UK adults should aim for 50g of protein per day. However, if your goals are to build muscle or adequately repair after a hard workout, you're probably going to want a little more than this.

'The ideal amount to consume at each meal is about 20g of protein,' award-winning nutritionist Anita Bean previous told WH, which would equate to around 60g + per day. Some studies, like this Nutrients paper, have suggested that those protein guidelines are too low, especially if you’re an active person.

'Those engaging in 150 minutes of exercise a week (or more) require around 1.2 to 1.5g of protein per kg body weight per day, and athletes will require even more', nutritionist Jenna Hope shared with WH.

So, for a highly active woman weighing 65kg, she should aim for between 78g and 97.5g of protein per day.

Since protein powders arrived on the scene as a good way to follow up a heavy workout, whey-based formulas have been lauded as the gold-standard. Why? Well, some people argue that because plant proteins aren't 'complete' – which means that they are missing at least one of the nine essential amino acids –they aren't as effective as their dairy-based counter parts.

However, a recent study published Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found that plant protein (in this case brown rice) may be just as effective at this job as whey. That's because, while plant protein may be incomplete, as long as you eat lots of other plant-based proteins – like veggies and legumes – you can create a complete protein.

With such snazzy packaging and close-to-perfect flavours, it can be hard to differentiate exactly which are suitable for the vegans amongst us. However, there's a wide variety of vegan protein powders available – all from different plant-based sources. How lucky, eh?

Before we kick off, there are a few different types of protein powders below. Some are blended powders – a mix of different sources to create a 'complete protein' and provide you with everything you and your body need. Others are single source proteins, perfect if you have an intolerance or like to mix and match where you get your nutrients and amino acids from. Everyone is different, so find the one that works well for you and your dietary requirements and get going.

Multiple plant-based sources in one protein powder can help you secure those all important optimal levels of essential amino acids. For example a single product may include both pea and brown rice protein, much like Huel's new 'Black Edition' protein. With 40g of protein per serving the nutritionally complete drink is packed with vitamins and minerals and, surprisingly, fewer carbs, at just 17g per portion. Protein powder blends like this can help you hit more nutrient goals in one go, a saving grace for those of us with busy lives or poor time management skills... or both!

Protein source: Blended pea, brown rice and hemp protein

A WH fave, Form is the vegan protein blend that comes in almost every flavour you could want. From toffee to salted caramel, tiramisu, chocolate peanut and vanilla, there's something for everyone. Brilliant for helping repair muscles post workout the combination of organic pea protein with brown rice and hemp proteins, delivers 30g of complete amino acid profile vegan protein per serving. Say that five times fast, eh?

We love ours mixed into smoothies, shaken up with alt-milk or sprinkled over yoghurt for a mid-afternoon snack. Trust us when we say it's delicious although not as sweet tasting as many. (If you're more of a natural flavour person, go for their – wait for it – unflavoured option, that bakes well into sweet treats or mixes into soups and dips.)

Works well in: Protein shakes, smoothies, oats

Innermost pride themselves on combining natural ingredients with adaptogens to help you 'think, feel and perform your best'. Wowza.

Dishing up 31g of protein per serving, the protein blend has a complete amino acid profile – including Glutamine, the building blocks of your immune system – as well as superfood mushrooms and berries. If that sounds like a weird flavour mix, you'll have to take our word that it's hands down delicious too. No strange aftertaste just sweet, sweet chocolate.

Works well in: Smoothies and protein shakes

Touted as the blended vegan protein powder for women, Free Soul blend their protein sources with nutrients, vitamins and minerals to support hormone balance, mood and energy. Interesting. Containing Maca – a plant rich in concentrated vits, minerals and fibre – as well as Ginseng, Guarana, L-Carnitine, Magnesium, Iron and Calcium, you're getting a helluva lot of bang for your buck.

Works well in: Smoothies, oats

Research has found that the muscle gain experienced with pea protein is very similar to whey (one 12-week study found a 20% boost in bicep muscle strength), which is thanks to high levels of essential branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) leucine, isoleucine and valine.

BCAA's help muscle tissue to boost muscle growth and help to reduce post-workout fatigue. Plus, at 21 grams of protein and 100 calories per 28g serving, those little peas are sure packing a punch.

Works well in: Smoothies and protein shakes.

Hemp's a great source of fibre, iron, zinc, magnesium and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and the plant form of omega-3 fatty acids – as well as 12g protein and 108 calories per 28g serving. Warning: it's low in the essential amino acid lysine, so ensure you consume enough legumes or quinoa to make it complete.

Works well in: Smoothies and shakes. Avoid mixing with just water – it's very natural tasting.

For those who like to lift weights, brown rice protein been found to have similar effects to whey thanks to rich amounts of BCAAs (an 8-week study showed 12% increase in bicep muscle thickness - the same as its non-vegan counterpart). That equates to 22g protein and 107 calories per 28g serving. It contains lower levels of essential amino acid lysine, but you can top this up by eating tofu or swigging spirulina shots. Whatever floats your boat.

Works well in: It's super versatile making it great for baking – hello protein brownies.

Unlike most plant proteins, soy is complete with a plentiful supply of BCAAs. You'll get 22g of protein and 95 calories in a 28g serving. Despite the positives, there have been some concerns about it being genetically modified (GM) and the consequent negative health impacts (like breast cancer) - so it's worth buying non-GM if possible.

Works well in: Smoothies and shakes. If previously you were drinking whey, use this as a good swap – they're considered the most similar.

This one's got high amounts of magnesium, zinc, iron and other minerals, as well as 18g of protein per 28g serving (which has 103 calories). Just mind, it's a little lower in essential amino acids threonine and lysine (vital for building muscle, maintaining bone strength and aiding recovery) than some of the others – so make sure you eat a varied plant-based diet.

Works well in: Baking and mixed into your cold weather-friendly morning porridge.

It's got strength-building BCAAs, but you'll need to consume quinoa and other plant-based protein sources with sunflower seed protein to make up the essential amino acid lysine. That aside, there's 13g protein and 91 calories per 28g serving.

Works well in: Add to shakes, smoothies, homemade snack bars and even soup.

This vegan protein powder packs a proper punch – you'll get 26g protein (plus 50 calories) per 35g serving. Like other plant-based protein, it's low in the essential amino acid lysine so be careful to keep your diet balanced.

Works well in: Use it in shakes, smoothies and baking.

With an impressive 21g protein and only 106 calories per serving, Vegolife's protein powder makes use of ingredients such as Green Tea extract and Acai berry to boost the potency of their powder whilst giving added benefits such as gut wellbeing and metabolism regulation.

Works well in: Use it in shakes and smoothies.

Boosting 20g of protein per serving, Wyldsson is another strong contender that brings a party to your mouth as well as your body. Their ingredient list gets even more impressive, making use of some incredible fruits and botanicals like with some even more incredible health benefits (like the use of Baobab; a godsend for controlling blood sugar levels).

Works well in: Use in shakes, smoothies and baking

Foodspring's protein powder is a gal's best friend. Not only is there added Calcium and Zinc, the powder also makes use of Folic acid and biotin to keep you healthy even during pregnancy. With 21g of protein per serving, Foodspring's vegan protein powder is a solid overall option.

Works well in: Use it in smoothies and shakes.

Though the protein blend make use of three plant-based protein sources the most, there is actually a total of 6 protein sources added into the blend to ensure that you'll be keeping on top of needed macronutrients as well as getting your protein boost (a whole 25g of it per serving). Even better? The Guar gum used in the base of the blend is amazing when it comes to gut health, and even has benefits that combat IBS symptoms.

Works well with: Use in baking, smoothies and shakes.

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